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A Meet-and-greet, Something to Eat, and Loads of Ideas: A Recap on Our Open Day Extravaganza


We called it an open day – a chance for people to come and meet our teams and get acquainted with the IT Labs way of doing things, but our doors are always open to curious minds and inquisitive souls.

No, we didn’t hold an hour-long presentation on our mission and vision, but we did talk a lot – and got to meet some amazing people from other industries, companies, shared ideas with them, opened doors for potential collaboration, and as per every Extravaganza – we had a really good time.

One other thing we focused on was showing and sharing our Re:Imagine Session concept – they’re already underway, and they’re something we’ll keep on holding so that we give – leaders, people with concepts and ideas, and people from different walks of life – the opportunity to tell their story, their findings, ideas, and find people they can work with, supporters, or simply just give people a new perspective on things.

A big thank you to all who made it to our Open Day Extravaganza – we’d love to see more of you and develop our relationship. And to all those who didn’t make it – we’re here for you and we’re inviting you to come and meet us, we’d love to talk to you.

Here’s a video that catches some of the fun we had.

Visit the company profile.
