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QACube and Sixsentix for a Greener City of Novi Sad


QACube and Sixsentix were among 15 ‘Green Hero’ companies who joined forces in making the city of Novi Sad, Serbia, a greener place, with a vision of a world more connected to nature.

Over a hundred enthusiast got together in order to create a future oasis for the kids from Marija Trandafil Primary School and planted 86 trees.

Greening is a long-term process that requires educating on ecology and environmental protection: creating a healthier climate and protecting biodiversity. Trees help clean the air we breathe, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to various species. But planting a tree is not just a way of giving back to the environment, it has a truly positive impact on children: inspiring them to understand nature, the curriculum, and provide them with opportunities for environmental education, but also quiet spaces to learn, play and contemplate.

We would like to give a special thanks to QACube and Sixsentix colleagues who participated, but also to everyone who decided to support GreenIT and Vega IT and Eko Kurir for organizing this action.

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