Iz ugla kompanije

Kompanije pišu za Helloworld - Pročitaj sve o njihovim projektima, tehnologijama i izazovima sa kojima se susreću.

Blog Iz ugla kompanije
08.12.2022. ·
3 min

Code For a Cause 5: Time To Recap on What We Have Achieved in the Last 7 Months

We believe that each one of us can be a change-maker and improve our community for the better. Since we organized the first Code For a Cause campaign back in 2017, we knew that we wanted to use knowledge and experience of our IT community can help build c

08.12.2022. ·
2 min

Learning by Always Being Up to the Challenge: The Story of IT Labs’ Nikola Angelkovski

It’s really easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of information, technology, and all the opportunities you can choose from – what will you do? Which tech stack? Where do you see going with that? A million possibilities.

08.12.2022. ·
3 min

From Intern to Principal Software Architect: The Journey of Aleksandra Gjinovska

Deciding to enter the world of tech is a big decision – there are a lot of things to learn and become a pro at. But if you have a general idea of what you want to do and know that learning is a never-ending process – you will find your passion. Just ask o

08.12.2022. ·
4 min

From Intern to Head of Tech: The Story of Our Kostadin Kadiev

Every techie has a story of their first steps in the tech industry – but how many of them can say they’ve gone from start to top in one place? Not many, that’s for sure. But our Head of Technology, Kostadin Kadiev, is not your regular techie. From the da

01.12.2022. ·
4 min

Ključna dokumenta u procesu obnove žiga

Proces obnove jednog žiga podrazumeva obezbedjivanje zakonom propisane dokumentacije, a cilj celokupnog procesa je dobijanje finalnog proizvoda - Sertifikata o obnovi. Osnovni dokument je punomoćje, kojim jedan pravni subjekt (vlastodavac) ovlašćuje dr

01.12.2022. ·
3 min

What should an effective IT infrastructure look like

IT infrastructure can significantly affect the organization’s costs and revenue. With the growth of any organization, it grows exponentially. Organizations must know the importance of a steady, secure, and scalable cloud infrastructure to protect their mo

28.11.2022. ·
5 min

Budućnost pametne mobilnosti

U svakoj sferi tehnologije zabeležen je trenutak gde je naizgled „preko noći“ došlo do drastičnog skoka ka napred. Automobilska industrija je odolevala decenijama ovim promenama. Iza toga stoji više razloga, a glavni je taj što je vozilima prioritet višed

23.11.2022. ·
2 min

Microsoft News: Microsoft Switches Teams Rooms Licensing to Basic and Pro Options

Microsoft has announced changes to Microsoft Teams Rooms licensing plan by switching Teams Rooms licensing to Basic and Pro options. The switchover to the Basic and Pro offering took effect on September 1, 2022.

22.11.2022. ·
5 min

Tehnologija digitalnih mapa

Mape su alat poznat čoveku od davnina. Onda nam nije iznenađujuće da njihova upotreba datira od pre 5000 godina! Jasno je da se danas mape ne koriste samo u svrhe dolaska od jedne do druge tačke. U digitalnom dobu, mapama se služe gotovo svi, a često poda

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