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Blog Hardware
Tag: Hardware (17 rezultata)
24.07.2024. ·
5 min

Sve što treba da znate o globalnom IT padu koji je izazvao CrowdStrike

Pogrešna softverska nadogradnja koju je izdao bezbednosni gigant CrowdStrike dovela je do masovnog prekida rada Windows računara širom sveta, i ozbiljno omela poslovanje aerodroma, železničkih stanica, banaka, emitera i zdravstvenog sektora. CrowdStrik

06.02.2023. ·
6 min

Benefits of a Dedicated Video Conferencing Room for Business Communications

In today’s fast-paced business world, the ability to communicate and collaborate with colleagues, clients, and partners in real-time is essential for success. With the advent of video conferencing technology, companies are now able to conduct meetings and

02.02.2023. ·
8 min

How to build an efficient team through continuous improvement

As a company, we often talk about efficient, self-organized teams. We say it’s one of our competitive advantages on the market – the fact that we have an efficient team culture.

18.01.2023. ·
5 min

The Importance of Backup and Backup Monitoring for Businesses

A variety of reasons, such as hardware failures, natural disasters, human error, and malicious attacks, can cause data loss, which is a common problem. Data loss can be catastrophic, leading to the loss of valuable information and causing significant disr

01.12.2022. ·
3 min

What should an effective IT infrastructure look like

IT infrastructure can significantly affect the organization’s costs and revenue. With the growth of any organization, it grows exponentially. Organizations must know the importance of a steady, secure, and scalable cloud infrastructure to protect their mo

23.11.2022. ·
2 min

Microsoft News: Microsoft Switches Teams Rooms Licensing to Basic and Pro Options

Microsoft has announced changes to Microsoft Teams Rooms licensing plan by switching Teams Rooms licensing to Basic and Pro options. The switchover to the Basic and Pro offering took effect on September 1, 2022.

10.10.2022. ·
5 min

Dizajniranje displeja

Korisničko iskustvo „počinje“ momenta kad otvorite vrata automobila i sednete u njega. Jedna od prvih stvari koju ćete zapaziti je displej koji se nalazi ispred vas. Savremeni trend ovakvih uređaja je da će uskoro zauzimati skoro čitav prostor – od rama d

14.09.2022. ·
5 min

Non-Functional Testing Explained

Non-functional testing inspects various aspects that functional testing doesn’t cover, such as productivity, compatibility, loading, performance, accessibility, localization, security, and many other software development aspects.

20.09.2021. ·
6 min

Meet Wonderland AI: An ecosystem of 5 organizations that impacts the future of AI

Apart from the future full of potential, every startup has its background story that sets higher goals to the company’s path. Anari AI’s story started 5 years ago, within a community symbolically named – Wonderland AI.

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