Blog je mesto gde možeš da čitaš o navikama IT-evaca, najavama IT dešavanja, aktuelnostima na tržištu, savetima i cakama kako da uspeš na ovom dinamičnom polju.
Mi pratimo trendove, na tebi je da se zavališ u fotelju i čitaš :)
How can you successfully navigate your career in software engineering?
What kind of companies can you work for as a software developer? How can you evolve throughout your career? What are the skills you need to fit into any work environment?
Why digital strides taken during the pandemic are here to stay
Digital strategy and branded content will remain a staple for fan experience and engagement in sports, long after the industry recovers from the impacts of COVID-19.
The What and the How of Testing in React
Whether you’re an entrepreneur launching a service or a developer working on an application, one thing is for sure: your front end needs to impress and it needs to do it fast. In other words, if you want to succeed, the quality of the product you deliver
Debugging Gender Stereotypes – FishingBooker’s Female Coders
Walk the corridors of FishingBooker’s offices, and one thing you’ll notice is the mixture of people around you. We base our operations in Serbia, and our employees come from as far afield as Russia, Peru, Australia, just to name a few.
How We Solved Trip - Specific Availability
Sometimes, the best way to solve a problem is to take everything apart and start again.
We had our first Nordeus Early Talent talk – How I started my engineering career in gaming, and we are so glad that we can share some impressions and the great experience we had while making it!
Agilizacija društva - trend, potreba ili uslov za napredak?
Šta zaista znači biti Agilan? Koje vrednosti i principi definišu agilnu kulturu? Šta je agilizacija društva? Koja su iskustva u rađanju agilnih zajednica? Saznaćete na drugom po redu Danu agilnih ljudi, 24 - 25. oktobra, na okupljanju u prostorijama ICT H
Jedan od Scrum timova na BMW projektu za autonomnu vožnju
Kada na projektu imate stotine inženjera, klasični Scrum nije efikasan. Koristimo LeSS (Large Scale Scrum). Razvoj softvera Scrum metodom zahteva duboku organizacionu promenu da bi bio agilan. Stoga LeSS nije samo praksa, već organizacioni framework razvo
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