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Blog ReactJS
Tag: ReactJS (5 rezultata)
22.09.2022. ·
8 min

The Thought Process Behind the Modern List Design

Since the dawn of time, at least for the modern front-end web engineer, the task of designing and building a list has been paramount. From its humble beginnings, the list has evolved. Starting with the most basic form (Figure 1) to reaching incredible hei

19.07.2022. ·
9 min

Stefan i Goran otkrivaju kako su došli do posla u jednoj od najuspešnijih kompanija u Srbiji

Svaki developer korača svojim putem, međutim, ma koliko ti putevi bili različiti, postoje mesta na kojima se svi oni presecaju. Bez obzira na to da li ste u ovom poslu dugo, samo što ste započeli svoj put, ili se na njega tek spremate, uvek je dobro dobit

01.06.2022. ·
6 min

Internships at Bee IT Hive: What to Expect When you Apply for Internship at Bee IT

Our team is small but carefully selected. Currently, our Bee IT hive has 34 members and, as our CEO and Co-Founder Zoran Tovarloža said in his recent blog post about Bee IT’s New Year’s resolutions, we do not plan to stop growing.

16.06.2021. ·
6 min

The What and the How of Testing in React

Whether you’re an entrepreneur launching a service or a developer working on an application, one thing is for sure: your front end needs to impress and it needs to do it fast. In other words, if you want to succeed, the quality of the product you deliver

19.05.2021. ·
2 min

Svaki treći programer koji traži posao u Srbiji je - programerka!

IT sektor je trenutno jedna od najrazvijenijih industrijskih grana u Srbiji, sa tendencijom daljeg razvoja. Kao takva, IT industrija tražena je kod muškaraca, ali i kod žena. Prema podacima najposećenijeg sajta za zapošljavanje IT kandidata u Srbiji hello

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