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Blog Spring
Tag: Spring (13 rezultata)
27.03.2024. ·
6 min

Od polaznika do profesionalca: Kursevi za IT prekvalifikaciju

U Srbiji se sve više ljudi odlučuje da se prekvalifikuje u IT sektor, tražeći tako nove prilike za profesionalni razvoj i bolje zaposlenje. Obrazovne institucije i drugi centri za edukaciju nude raznovrsne programe obuke, od programiranja do testiranja so

26.03.2024. ·
5 min

Održavanje koraka s tehnološkim promenama: Značaj i evolucija Jave

Java programski jezik ostaje ključan stub u svetu programiranja i tehnologije, a njegova primena proteže se kroz različite industrije - od razvoja softvera i aplikacija do big data tehnologija i sistema za upravljanje poslovnim operacijama. U Srbiji, kao

07.09.2023. ·
7 min

How I made the Spring Boot startup analyser

It's no secret that Spring applications can sometimes freeze at startup. This is especially noticeable as a project develops: the new service starts quickly and shows great responsiveness, then it acquires some serious functionality, and the final distrib

24.02.2023. ·
12 min

Deploying a Spring Boot API to AWS with Serverless and Lambda SnapStart

This article will cover how to create an API that returns the closest Starbucks locations near the given point and radius. The API will be backed by MongoDB to utilize geospatial queries, with a Spring Boot app wrapped into a Mono-Lambda on top, deployed

16.12.2022. ·
5 min

One of our stories: Continuous Learning

In our first story, we talked about career development at Insightful. However, we all know that our skills don't magically enhance overnight. This is why here we would like to walk you through the way we actually support our team members to expand their l

08.11.2022. ·
1 min

PRODYNA & Slikaj i Cirkaj

U četvrtak 17.11. sa početkom u 18h kompanija PRODYNA u saradnji sa timom Slikaj i Cirkaj organizuje jedinstveni networking u lokalu PROSTOR na Petrovaradinu.

23.03.2022. ·
3 min

Explaining WolkAbout IoT Platform to Different Company Roles (and a Kid)

To help everyone get a clear view of our technology, we’ve decided to dispel the veil of mystery around it and bring the concept of an IoT platform closer to everyone, from a CEO to a seven-year-old kid. Let’s dive right in!

24.02.2022. ·
3 min

Do frontend and backend have a future together?

Find out how challenging it is to change technologies, what could possibly reconcile frontend and backend and learn how to evolve as a programmer. Pour some coffee, put on some relaxing music and join us for the twelfth episode of The Hüb, where Igor Đur

31.01.2022. ·
8 min

Fantastic Features and How to Hide Them

Imagine a scenario. You are working on a new complex feature. Your team releases to production every two weeks, but to complete the feature, you need more than that.

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