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About us

We are driven by the idea of providing premium services, with teams of experts, that truly make a difference on the bottom line of our clients’ business.

Auxality employs Technology Specialists and Advisors whose experience and knowledge bridges the divide between the person who operates the systems but isn’t authorized or able to suggest business-driven improvements; and the person who has the mandate and ability to make improvements but lacks the proximity needed to make a fully informed decision. Therefore, Auxality always builds teams around insight and mandate in order to operate and develop client solutions on both the technological level as well as the business level.

Based on industry knowledge and technological expertise, the Auxality model enables our clients to improve and develop their core business. We provide a range of services within our three business areas: Advisory & Business Transformation, Development and Operations. The common denominator in everything we offer consists of the following key components – mandate, insight and creative minds.


Ovaj poslodavac odgovara na vaše prijave

Ovaj poslodavac odgovara na vaše prijave

Priznanje predstavlja dokaz da poslodavac odgovara kandidatima na njihove prijave nakon što je konkurs za posao završen, nezavisno od pozitivnog ili negativnog ishoda.


Broj zaposlenih

Profit i prihod