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Learning by Always Being Up to the Challenge: The Story of IT Labs’ Nikola Angelkovski


It’s really easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of information, technology, and all the opportunities you can choose from – what will you do? Which tech stack? Where do you see going with that? A million possibilities.

For some, this can be a bit too much to handle, but for IT Labs’ Junior DevOps Engineer, Nikola Angelkovski, it was just what the doctor ordered. He started as an intern, got on full-time, and now earning his mark by learning something new daily!

His experience so far? Read it below:

You’ve been with us for a year now - how is going so far? What are you most proud of?

I have been with IT Labs for 1 year. So far it is going really well, and I am most proud of the fact that I have managed to get this job and place myself in a great learning environment along with great co-workers.

What’s the biggest change you experienced with IT Labs? What surprised you the most?

The biggest change that I have experienced with IT Labs came in the form of responsibilities. Now that I am a full-time employee, my responsibilities are bigger, and that in turn motivates me to work even harder and commit to my goals even more. The thing that surprised me the most (in a good way) is the fact that there is a huge emphasis on knowledge sharing through the various communities and employee growth, both personal and professional.

You obviously want to progress and grow, and probably have a plan on what and who you want to be 5 years from now – care to share?

In 5 years time, I want to further expand my knowledge and skills with a couple of certifications under my belt and possibly mentor new DevOps interns. Also, I want to thank Kostadin Kadiev, Blagoja Panovski, and Milan Gjorcevski, among others, for guiding me on my journey and giving me valuable tips and tricks to master my craft.

Favorite thing to do with co-workers?

Besides playing table tennis, FIFA and darts, I really enjoy talking to my co-workers on various topics, such as traveling, arts, and sciences, because you get a different perspective and view on things, which is a cool way to learn something new every day.

What’s the one piece of advice you would give to future techies?

Always strive to learn more, believe in yourself, and never be afraid to ask the questions that you have on your mind. Also, never give up on your dreams if something goes wrong along the way. A little fun fact about me: I applied for a one-month internship at IT Labs back in 2019 and did not get accepted. But 3 years later, here I am, writing this to share my story and encourage other people to pursue their goals and dreams.

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