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Resolve IT

Oceni kompaniju 20-50

O nama

We are a dynamic team of proficient IT professionals who harness the advantages of remote managing tools, proudly calling Serbia home while seamlessly integrating into our partner companies in Germany.

Our standout achievement lies in the exceptional German language proficiency of all our team members, coupled with their flourishing careers in IT and Customer Service. We firmly believe that language and cultural understanding pose greater barriers to success in the outsourcing industry than technical prowess. However, with the right mindset and dedication, one can swiftly overcome these challenges.

That's why we've established a comprehensive training program, designed to nurture young talents in both Serbia and Germany, empowering them to take their initial steps into the expansive realm of IT.

For our clients, we specialize in crafting the future stars of IT service experts, tailored precisely to their unique requirements.

Join us in shaping a brighter future where language and culture become bridges, not barriers, to success - we will resolve IT together!


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Ovaj poslodavac odgovara na vaše prijave

Priznanje predstavlja dokaz da poslodavac odgovara kandidatima na njihove prijave nakon što je konkurs za posao završen, nezavisno od pozitivnog ili negativnog ishoda.


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