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About us

TradeCore is a platform-as-a-service provider that enables fintechs to build next-generation banking and investment products.

TradeCore's full stack offering does all the heavy lifting, allowing companies to focus on launching unique customer experiences. By providing access to the core, and complex, infrastructure of compliance, regulation, payments, banking and capital markets in the form of a service, their customers are able to take advantage of

​TradeCore's accumulated domain expertise and focus their attention on the core essentials of their own product offering.

We’re always on the lookout for bright individuals that want to help us make a global impact. Want to help us transform the fintech industry?

Please visit our jobs page at https://tradecore.com/careers
Our talented colleague as a TC DJ :)
Something interesting to talk about...
Custom mechanical keyboard enthusiasts among our ranks...


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Ovaj poslodavac odgovara na vaše prijave

Priznanje predstavlja dokaz da poslodavac odgovara kandidatima na njihove prijave nakon što je konkurs za posao završen, nezavisno od pozitivnog ili negativnog ishoda.


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Knez Mihailova 1-3 Beograd, Beograd Srbija