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O kompaniji

About us

ZESIUM is a company with 18 years of experience in the software industry and we are accountable for over 120 successfully implemented projects for multiple international clients within various industries. 

Our dedication is shaping software for the mobile future through innovation and creativity.

Knowledge, creativity and experience characterize Zesium. Our employees are highly educated individuals with valuable experience. We’re a reliable partner that provides the best IT solutions. Through our quality and hard work, we aim to become global.

Our vision

Create the high-tech R&D center of innovative software solutions for own spin-offs / joint-ventures and partner businesses around the globe.

Our mission

Efficiently resolve the business challenges of our partners by developing effective end2end tailored-made software solutions.


Broj zaposlenih

Profit i prihod


Mičurinova 8, 21000 Novi Sad
+381 21 270 22 80