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My story - P3 HR Boban


2 years has passed. Here I am! I am flying. And you know what, I am not scared to fly high, since it inspires me. I am going to sincerely share my impression on working with P3. It has been a long journey. So often present in Germany, I have met great personas, nice people, cool colleagues. I have shared so many ideas with various people, you all have created new spheres in my mind. There have been so many memorable moments and yet many great persons that I have interviewed. To those who attended my Assessment Centre, please don’t be mad for keeping you almost 3 hours here. But you have to know something, I enjoyed it each minute, I was listening to you carefully and from time to time I remember some of the fabulous stories that you told me. I have learned from you a lot, thank you for that! I honestly regret giving some of you the negative feedback, but I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that we will meet again. Hopefully soon! You know that I always promise to be frank and transparent with you. P3 has enabled me to work on myself, to explore, to try and realize what my potentials are. And do you know what the outcome is – deep satisfaction! P3 Serbia is growing, as well as its P3ople. What is the starting point? Certainly, it is (self)motivation. Practice makes you good, but if being motivated and considering all the issues to be challenges and not obstacles, makes you superb. I know, some would ask me “what does it mean to be a perfect candidate and if there is perfection at all?” I have the answer – “being perfect means that step by step you are becoming better version of yourself”. And the only person you should always compare yourself with is just YOU - YOU the previous one and YOU the current one. What I only expect at the interview is to tell me who you really are now. Some questions that candidates ask me frequently: Does P3 offer personal development and upgrade, the answer is YES. Success - what is it? There is no simple definition. There is not one opinion. Mistakes? Who has not made them? Show me that person, please. But I will reveal to you my MOTTO: if I lack knowledge or experience in something I just keep working and learning it, BUT in the meantime, I fill in those gaps with my enthusiasm. Yes, the never-ending question is related to job – private life balance. This is how I deal with it: I love my job. My job is not a burden to me, it is a reward. But, at the end of the day when I lie in my bed and close my eyes, I know that it was worth. My mind is released. If you have a fruitful day, you are going to reflect that satisfaction out of the office. And you will exP3rience the refreshing sweet taste which reminds of the passion fruit. Finally, is this my maximum? Who knows! I am still exploring my limits. When I look up at the sky, it seems to be pretty far away. I stop sometimes to look to the back, I don’t see the wings, but I can feel them…

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