Oglasi za posao Chief Data Specialist

Chief Data Specialist

Grundfos Srbija d.o.o.

Inđija | Hibrid

Inđija: Obilazni put - Sever 21


AWS Azure Cloud Agile senior

Would you like to lead the development of the full stack data capability in Manufacturing?

Are you motivated by impact, technical challenges and succeeding through effective collaboration?

Join us as Chief Engineer in Group AME Digital Manufacturing!

What is the job about?

In Digital Manufacturing we drive the digital transformation across the global manufacturing setup in Grundfos. We explore and develop digital solutions to harvest benefits both in offices and on shop floor.

We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated Chief Data Specialist to join our dynamic team. In this role, you will lead the development of the technical full stack capability of the Data Solutions and Automation team. This to ensure the efficient and successful development and implementation of data solutions in Manufacturing and Operations. As part of the Digital Manufacturing leadership team, you will be part of setting technical direction and strategic approach across digital capabilities.

This position requires an effective blend of deep technical expertise, strategic thinking, and leadership skills.

Your main responsibilities:

  • Lead the capability development in the Data Solutions and Automation Team on Connectivity, Data Engineering, Solution Development and Analytics.
  • Set the roadmap and ensure progress within system and data architecture to support project and business needs.
  • Provide technical guidance and alignment within the data domain across the organization.
  • Support the Senior Manager in daily management of the team.
  • Manage innovation activities within Digital Manufacturing including technology scouting
  • Oversee the design and implementation of AI architecture to enhance business operations and decision-making.
  • Participate in strategic tasks in the Digital Manufacturing Leadership team.
  • Oversee and guide the development and implementation of OT Security to ensure a robust and secure manufacturing infrastructure.

This will require you to collaborate closely within the data team, but also manage a wide span of stakeholders across the organization in IT, Group Functions and in the Plants

Your background

  • Master’s degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, IT technology, or a related field.
  • Preferable 5-10 years of experience working with IoT Data, with a focus on system and data architecture, connectivity, data integration, orchestration, and modelling.
  • Deep understanding of the modern data stack and its components.
  • Proven experience within connectivity, data orchestration, and cloud platforms such as FactoryTalk Optix, Simatic IoT, Thingworx, Node-Red, Microsoft Azure, Snowflake, or AWS.
  • Relevant certifications in IoT technologies is a plus, such as Azure, Snowflake, FactoryTalk Optix, or Power Platform.
  • Experience with Agile development.
  • Experience in Manufacturing AI and OT Security is an advantage
  • Good communication skills, written and verbal, English.

What’s in it for you?

What are your goals? Here at Grundfos it’s our mission to let you develop and fulfil your aspirations, both career and personal. We are guided by our six core values, and you’ll find that your fresh ideas will be welcomed and make a difference in everything from local to large-scale global projects. You’ll encounter colleagues from all over the world both as part of your daily work, supporting and all the while broadening each other’s cultural horizons.

At Grundfos, we are more than just a global leader in advanced pump solutions and water technology. We are a community of innovators and problem-solvers dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for people and care for the planet through pioneering technologies and sustainable solutions

In addition, your day-to-day benefits include:

  • Flexible working hours; home office possibility and equipment; up to 3 days’ paid leave for volunteering
  • Annual bonuses, parental support, internal well-being consultants and programs, engaging team buildings
  • Diverse, inclusive environment with employee-led forums offering colleagues a safe place to connect and share openly
  • Long-term career development with regular dialogue, as well as continuous learning and development opportunities.

Additional information

If you have questions or want to know more about the position, please contact Simon Rosenberg Bolmgren, Director, Group AME Digital Manufacturing  show phone

If you are passionate about technology and innovation and are looking for an exciting opportunity to make a difference, we would love to hear from you. If this job sounds appealing to you, please send your resume and cover letter as soon as possible by clicking on “Apply”.

If you want to dig deeper into the Grundfos universe, please visit us on

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/5195 or
our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwY54t455CU

We look forward to hearing from you.


Apply Here

Upoznaj kompaniju

O Kompaniji Iskustva Plate

Kompanija Grundfos počela je sa radom 2010. godine u Novoj Pazovi, dok se istovremeno radilo na izgradnji potpuno nove fabrike u Inđiji, koja je zvanično otvorena 2012.godine. Danas u Inđiji radi preko 800 ljudi, u izvozno orijentisanoj proizvodnji koja broji više od 40 proizvodnih linija i koja godišnje iz Srbije izveze preko 4 miliona pumpi na tržišta širom sveta.

Grundfos u Inđiji proizvodi pumpe iz četiri različitih segmenata proizvoda. Cirkularne pumpe koriste se za grejne i sanitarne sisteme sa cirkulacijom vode. Ovo je jedan od najuspešnijih proizvoda Grundfosa sa kojim pokrivamo 50% svetskog tržišta. Zajedno sa ovom pokrenuta je I proizvodnja proizvoda namenjen za domaće otpadne vode nazvana Sololift2. SCALA2 je takodje proizvod koji se koristi u domaćinstvu, buster pumpa koja omogućava konstantan pritisak u celom domaćinstvu, bez obzira koliko česmi otvorite.
Na kraju IWC su proizvodi koji predstavljaju sklop koji je integrisan u kotlove.
Pored ambicije da bude lider na svetskom tržištu, vodeći cilj kompanije Grundfos je da svojim primerom pokaže da su bezbednost, zaštita životne sredine i društveno odgovorno poslovanje od krucijalne važnosti za njen uspeh.

Od marta 2018.godine, u sklopu Grundfosa u Srbiji imamo i globalni tim - napredno odeljenje, koje se zove odeljenje Naprednih proizvodnih tehnologija. Na tu činjenicu smo posebno ponosni jer to govori o poverenju Grundfosa u naš inženjerski kadar. U najvećoj meri bave se optimizacijom procesa, procesima simulacije i obradom podataka od strateškog značaja za ceo Grundfos. Njihov glavni zadatak jeste da odgovore na pitanje kako najbolje proizvesti renomirane Grundfosove proizvode.

Prodajni sektor kompanije Grundfos u Srbiji posluje više od 15 godina, a smešten je u Airport city-iju, modernom poslovnom prostoru na Novom Beogradu. U prodajnom timu rade kolege sa dugogodišnjim lokalnim i internacionalnim iskustvom vezanim za prodaju, servisnu i tehničku podršku, koji pokrivaju tržište Srbije, Crne Gore, Makedonije i Albanije. Na ovim tržištima izgrađena je mreža ovlašćenih distributera koji obezbeđuju brzu isporuku proizvoda do krajnjeg korisnika, kao i usluge autorizovanih servisnih partnera koji omogućavaju rešavanje servisnih intervencija u najkraćem mogućem roku.

Grundfos vrednosti su duboko utemeljene u poslovanje kompanije i čine čvrst temelj za dalji razvoj kompanije. Trudimo se da poslujemo na odgovoran i maksimalno održiv način. Otvoreni smo i od poverenja, jer radimo ono što kažemo i kažemo ono što radimo. Uz održivost, naš fokus uvek je usmeren na ljude, jer mi smo naši ljudi. Vrednosti stvaramo i negujemo kroz odnose sa kupcima, dobavljačima i ostalim zainteresovanim stranama. Nezavisni smo. I za nas, profit je sredstvo rasta, ne cilj sam po sebi.

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5 Preporučuje

Data Analyst

Trenutno na praksi Manje od jedne godine


Na praksi sam malo manje od mesec dana ali do sada mogu reci da ovo jedna od jacih firmi u Srbiji. Nude veliki broj beneficija, medju kojima je jedan besplatan obrok dnevno, sto je po meni super. Timska atmosfera je jako primetna gde se konstantno razmenjuju informacije. Menadzer je super, tu je da pomogne ako nesto zatreba. Jedno pozitivno iskustvo do sada. Ovde cu da stavim tehnologije koje koristim jer ih nema ponudjenih u donjem polju. Tehnologije u komponaiji - sql management studio, power bi, excel, sap


Za sada ih nema.

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Business Analyst

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