Oglasi za posao Data Engineer

Beograd | Hibrid

Beograd: Bulevar Heroja sa Košara 4a


SQL Apache Oracle Python AWS SQL Server PostgreSQL Cloud Apache Spark RedShift Amazon S3 intermediate

Max Bet is part of Flutter Entertainment (LSE: FLTR; NYSE: FLUT) ─ the world’s largest online gambling operator, publicly listed on both the New York Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange. As a truly global leader in sports betting and gaming, Flutter shapes the future of the industry

Max Bet is a rapidly growing company specializing in sports betting, gaming, and gambling. Headquartered in Serbia, we have a strong presence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and North Macedonia. We are committed to setting new industry standards, delivering top-tier entertainment while upholding the highest integrity

Our success is built on our people—we foster a culture of teamwork, clear communication, and mutual respect. 

As we continue to grow, we are looking for a:

Data Engineer 

City: Belgrade

Key responsibilities:

  • Designing Data Models: Structuring data and creating schemas that record data and how it relates to other data.
  • Development Data Pipeline: Design, build and maintain efficient and reliable data pipelines and datasets.
  • Data Integration: Extracting, transforming and sending data to other systems and tools for business intelligence. Integrating data from different sources while ensuring consistency and accuracy.
  • Data Streaming: Building and maintenance of robust architectures for streaming data for integration with machine learning models as well as for the reporting.
  • Optimization: Identifying and replacing data models and queries that lead to performance problems. Troubleshoot systems and data issues that cause downtime or unexpected behavior.
  • Collaboration: Working with other stakeholders to develop and deliver the data they need to successful work.
  • Data Governance: Proactively identifying sensitive data and taking steps to address its storage and use.
  • Data Quality: Building internal tools and reporting to identify poor quality data and data gaps, allowing users to work with data without problems.

Our requirements:​

  • AWS Cloud Services: Use of key AWS services such as Amazon S3, Amazon Glue, AWS DynamoDB, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Kinesis, AWS DMS , AWS SQS etc.
  • Knowledge of AWS Lambda for serverless architectures.
  • SQL and Relational Database: Advanced knowledge of SQL for data management. Experience in database modeling.
  • Data Warehousing: Understanding and experience working with data warehouses, such as Amazon Redshift.
  • ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): Using tools for ETL processes such as AWS Glue.
  • Programming languages: knowledge of Python, Experience in Java or Scala programming languages ​​for script and application development is an advantage.
  • Tools: AWS Glue and a tool for ETL processes that enables automatic discovery, transformation and loading of data, Apache Spark as an engine for large scale data processing, Apache Flink as an distributed streaming data-flow, etc.
  • AWS RDS (Relational Database Service): a service for managing and scaling relational databases, including SQL Server, PostgreSQL and Oracle.
  • AWS DMS (Database Migration Service): a tool for data migration between different types of databases.
  • AWS API Gateway: Working with API Gateway to manage, monitor and secure access to APIs, enabling integrated communication between different parts of the system.
  • AWS Kinesis: Amazon Kinesis is a group of AWS services for real-time processing and analysis of big data.
  • Advantages: Knowledge of AWS IAM concept: service for Identity Access Management

Perks and benefits:

Health & Well-being:

  • Private health insurance
  • Up to 6 days of 100% paid leave without a certificate
  • Sports membership

Work Environment & Comfort:

  • Modern workspace with relaxation areas
  • Hybrid work model with flexible working hours 
  • Remote work up to 30 days/year

Work-Life Balance:

  • 24+ days of annual leave
  • Birthday off
  • Shorter Fridays (2 PM finish)
  • Reduced hours for moms with kids starting kindergarten
  • Fully covered maternity leave (according to company policy)
  • Day off for parents of first graders

Growth & Development:

  • Paid training, workshops, and educational opportunities
  • Team-building events and sports activities

Additional Perks:

  • Daily transportation between Novi Sad & Belgrade for Novi Sad colleagues working in Belgrade
  • Role-based bonus opportunities
  • Referral bonuses for recommending new hires
  • Full equipment and onboarding for every role

Upoznaj kompaniju

O Kompaniji Iskustva Plate

MaxBet, deo međunarodnog lidera Flutter International, izdvaja se u svetu igara na sreću kao kompanija posvećena inovacijama i naprednim tehnološkim rešenjima. Od svojih početaka 1993. godine, MaxBet je postao prisutan u preko 200 gradova širom Srbije i regiona, uključujući Crnu Goru, Bosnu i Hercegovinu i Severnu Makedoniju, sa mrežom koja broji više od 450 lokacija i zapošljava preko 3,000 ljudi.

Snaga MaxBet-a leži u jedinstvenoj kombinaciji svetskog iskustva i lokalne stručnosti. Kompanija kontinuirano unapređuje ponudu, obogaćujući svet igara na sreću kroz raznovrsne opcije – od online gaminga, pokera, do virtuelnih sportova i slot igara. Pružamo sigurno i moderno okruženje za igru, gde svaki korisnik može uživati u zabavi sa potpunim poverenjem. Inovacije su srž našeg rada: kroz uvođenje novih tehnologija i razvoj sopstvenih softverskih rešenja, MaxBet nastoji da igračima donese personalizovano, kvalitetno i nezaboravno iskustvo koje otvara vrata ka potpuno novoj dimenziji zabave.

Osim igre i zabave, MaxBet je duboko posvećen izgradnji stabilnih, dugoročnih odnosa – kako sa partnerima i zaposlenima, tako i sa širom zajednicom. Negujemo odgovoran pristup poslovanju, pridajući veliku pažnju doprinosu društvenom razvoju u svim sredinama u kojima poslujemo. Kroz različite projekte podrške lokalnim zajednicama, MaxBet kontinuirano ulaže u pozitivne promene, pružajući doprinos održivom razvoju i stvaranju bolje budućnosti.

Razvojem stručnog tima, kroz obuke i kontinuiranu podršku, MaxBet ulaže u ljude i njihov napredak, stvarajući kompaniju koja je prepoznata po svojoj posvećenosti, kvalitetu i modernom pristupu u industriji zabave. Tim zajedničkim radom i inovacijama postajemo lider u regionu, nastavljajući da postavljamo standarde u oblasti igara na sreću i pružamo igračima jedinstveno iskustvo zabave, sigurnosti i pouzdanosti.

Mi znamo da je život igra i zato se igramo najbolje što možemo!

4.5 100%

Menadžment kompanije




Balans karijere i privatnog života


Timska atmosfera


Zadovoljstvo projektima


Mogućnost napredovanja


Iskustvo o radu

4 Preporučuje

System Administrator

Prethodno zaposlen/a na neodređeno Manje od jedne godine


Dobar timski rad, kompanija od reči i dela


Nerealno kratki rokovi za velike projekte i zadatke

Korisno? 0

Graphic Designer

1 plata
Prosečna neto plata
Prosek i medijana

Software Engineer

1 plata
Prosečna neto plata
Prosek i medijana

System Administrator

1 plata
Prosečna neto plata
Prosek i medijana

IT Help Desk / Support

2 plate
Prosečna neto plata
Prosek i medijana

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