Oglasi za posao Frontend Game Developer

Frontend Game Developer

Pollard Digital Solutions

Beograd | Hibrid

Beograd: Omladinskih brigada 90g


SQL Linux Unix JavaScript Angular HTML5 Git Svn CSS3 KnockoutJS Canvas Vue.js Gulp Webpack senior

Pollard Digital Solutions - Europe is a full-solution supplier of lottery management and iLottery technology for world-wide lottery markets. The company is owned by Pollard Banknote Ltd. – a leading partner to more than 60 lotteries worldwide, providing high quality instant ticket products, licensed games, retail merchandising solutions, and a full suite of digital offerings. Established in 1907 in Winnipeg, Canada, Pollard Banknote is owned approximately 66.7% by the Pollard family and is publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (PBL).

Our objective is to deliver the most innovative solutions that will render industry-leading returns to good causes in an ethically responsible way. We emphasize a friendly, lively, and respectful workplace atmosphere, where team spirit is highly valued.

We are looking for a Frontend Game Developer to join our Game Studio in Belgrade, where we practice Agile Software Development and value shared responsibility, collaboration, and team spirit.

You can expect from us:

  • A truly great working environment
  • Modern office with parking provided for our employees
  • Private health insurance
  • Insurance for medical treatments outside of Serbia
  • Learning and Development budget
  • Yearly profit sharing
  • Budget for sports activities
  • Social activities
  • Referral bonus
  • Additional benefits

You can expect from this role to:

  • Create exciting games like those featured in our portfolio! We invite you to check them - www.pollardbanknote.com/game-studio
  • Analyze, design, program, document, test, install and support Gaming Solutions
  • Participate in design and architecture discussions
  • Develop features to elevate the user engagement
  • Participate in code reviews
  • Participate in professional knowledge sharing with peers
  • Assist in project estimation and release planning

You will be a match if you have:

  • B.Sc. in Computer Science or equivalent
  • 5+ years of experience working with JavaScript
  • Experience with Canvas API and Javascript libraries like PixiJS, Phaser.js, and CreateJS is essential
  • Strong knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3
  • Experience with Vue.js, React, Angular, Knockout, or other lightweight MV* frameworks.
  • Strong knowledge of relational databases, SQL
  • Familiarity with JavaScript module loaders, such as Webpack or Require.js
  • Knowledge of building tools like Grunt, Gulp, Webpack, or Parcel.
  • Experience using control systems like Git or SVN
  • Linux/Unix fundamentals, including the ability to work effectively from the command line
  • Excellent communication and teamwork skills
  • Proficiency in English

Desirable but not necessary:

  • Sass and Compass experience
  • Experience with automated development environment setup like Vagrant, Docker etc.
  • Experience RESTful APIs / JSON
  • Experience with Phaser HTML5 game framework
  • Familiar with Progressive Web Applications
  • Passion for writing testable code using Jasmine, Mocha, Jest, QUnit or similar

What does the interview process at Pollard look like, and what are the steps involved?

  • Initial interview
  • Technical interview
  • Meet the team interview

If this opportunity at Game Studio aligns with your experience and career goals, we invite you to apply today. We look forward to reviewing your application and welcoming you to our team!

Upoznaj kompaniju

O Kompaniji Iskustva Poslovi Plate Beneficije Tech Stack

Pollard Digital Solutions d.o.o. je inovativna kompanija koja je prvu nacionalnu lutriju donela onlajn pre više od 25 godina.
Od tada razvijamo i isporučujemo inovativna softverska rešenja za industriju lutrije.
Sedište kompanije Next Generation Lotteries (NGL) nalazi se u Beču sa predstavništvima u Srbiji, Španiji, Tunisu i na Islandu. Od 2021. smo deo Pollard Banknote kanadske grupacije, koja je vodeći partner za više od 60 lutrija širom sveta.
Verujemo da kvalitetan softver mogu da razvijaju samo srećni, dobro obrazovani, strastveni ljudi koji su motivisani da donose odluke i daju rezultate. Industrija softvera se brzo menja, a da bismo se takmičili, moramo obezbediti kontinuirano
obrazovanje za naš najvredniji resurs: NAŠE LJUDE.
Kako bismo pomogli u tome, nudimo velikodušan budžet za obrazovanje za svakog zaposlenog i promovišemo razmenu znanja između kolega munjevitim razgovorima, inovacijskim događajima i drugim aktivnostima.
Cenimo ravnotežu između posla i privatnog života, plaćamo konkurentne plate, obezbeđujemo privatno zdravstveno osiguranje, fleksibilno radno vreme i odličnu, modernu kancelariju i parking mesto u najboljem poslovnom kompleksu u Srbiji - Airport City-ju!


Iskustvo o radu u ovoj kompaniji je arhivirano jer je starije od 2 godine.

QA Specialist

2 plate
Prosečna neto plata
Prosek i medijana

Software Developer

1 plata
Prosečna neto plata
Prosek i medijana

Software Developer

1 plata
Prosečna neto plata
Prosek i medijana

Software Engineer

1 plata
Prosečna neto plata
Prosek i medijana

Obuke, konferencije

Deljenje profita

Timska druženja

Sport i rekreacija

Nagrade, bonusi, pokloni

Dobrovoljno zdravstveno osiguranje

Fleksibilno radno vreme

Porodica i roditeljstvo

Obezbeđen parking

Rad na daljinu

Java JavaScript ReactJS NodeJS Vue.js HTML CSS Spring Data AWS Mobile iOS Android Kubernetes Docke SQL NoSQL REST Test Git Vert.x Test Automation Selenium Cypress DevOps Delivery SCRUM Cucumber RabbitMQ

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