Oglasi za posao Solutions Architect

Solutions Architect

Ingsoftware d.o.o.

Rad od kuće


SCRUM Agile senior

Ingsoftware is a full-cycle software development company that was built from scratch in a garage in Niš fifteen years ago, to become one of the most successful local business stories of the Serbian South (and beyond!). Our remote-first community of tech lovers who embrace a laid-back and friendly vibe is currently looking for new team members to join our Ing-redible team! If you appreciate a working environment that fosters productivity and encourages all our people to grow - keep reading for more information about the position requirements.

This time, we are looking for a Solutions Architect to join our newly formed Product & Prototyping Department. We seek someone who thrives on leading technical discussions, shaping system architecture and guiding the development team to deliver high-quality solutions efficiently.

We are looking for someone who ticks most of these boxes:

  • Minimum of 8 years working on commercial projects.
  • Experience working with diverse technologies, frameworks, and platforms, with a strong backend focus and adaptability to new ecosystems.
  • Proven ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams (product owners, designers, analysts) in an Agile/Scrum environment.
  • Strong technical leadership in fixed-price projects, ensuring successful delivery within scope, budget, and timeline.
  • Proven experience as a Project Tech Owner, covering all aspects of project leadership – from infrastructure and integration to migrations, application development, and architectural solutions.
  • Proven track record of clearly communicating with both technical and non-technical stakeholders, facilitating consensus and collaboration to identify and implement the best possible solutions.    
  • Expertise in technical sales, designing complex solutions that align with business needs and client requirements.
  • Ability to manage multiple projects effectively at the same time while maintaining high-quality standards and meeting diverse client requirements.
  • Understanding of Continuous Integration pipelines to streamline development processes.
  • Excellent written and verbal English.

The responsibilities of this position include but are not limited to:

  • Designing and engineering innovative digital solutions across diverse industries
  • Taking the lead in architectural design and strategy for new product platforms
  • Overseeing every aspect of the project, from infrastructure and application layers to deployment processes and integrations, ensuring successful project execution with the support of domain experts
  • Guiding the team towards innovative and sustainable solutions
  • Engaging with external stakeholders to gather requirements and address challenges
  • Setting and managing client expectations regarding the technical aspects of the project while taking full tech ownership
  • Define and enforce best practices for platform scalability, reliability, and performance
  • Drive the development and implementation of platform roadmaps, striking a balance between short-term priorities and long-term strategic objectives
  • Lead the design and implementation process of new features, ensuring the development team delivers according to project specifications
  • Conduct performance analysis
  • Champion continuous improvement initiatives by evaluating alternative technologies and presenting them for architectural review

And here’s what our future colleagues can expect from us:

  • Working in a variety of industries with diverse global clients on interesting projects
  • Ideally sized company that is neither a startup nor a corporation
  • Agile organization with matrix structure and career development processes implemented
  • Work-life balance through the remote-first approach and flexible working hours
  • Psychological safety based on feedback culture, embracing and learning from mistakes 

Our benefits include additional vacation days, private health insurance, longer breaks on Wednesdays, Weekly Self-Improvement Hours, Friday Tech Talks, and education opportunities for all Ingsters.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Upoznaj kompaniju

O Kompaniji Iskustva Plate Beneficije Tech Stack

Ingsoftware (ili samo Ing) je kompanija za projektovanje i razvoj digitalnih proizvoda, osnovana 2009. godine u jednoj niškoj garaži (al' stvarno!). Mi smo remote-first kolektiv zaljubljenika u tehnologiju koji vole da uče i napreduju, i da rade u okruženju koje im omogućava da budu produktivni i ostvare svoje ambicije. Pridruži se domaćoj, zdravoj firmi i radi sa pristojnim i kvalitetnim ljudima, s kojima mož’ i da se zezaš i da radiš pos’o!

Kancelariju koju od milja zovemo "Utočište" imamo samo u Nišu jer se držimo krilatice "radi odakle hoćeš i kad hoćeš, ali uvek imaš Utočište da popiješ kafu s koleginicama i kolegama ili uživo održiš bitan sastanak" (kad te ne mrzi da se oblačiš za pos'o). Radno vreme nam je fleksibilno, pa ako voliš duže da spavaš, u Ingu nećeš imati problem jer svoje radno vreme raspoređuješ onako kako ti najviše odgovara. Prekovremeni rad izbegavamo, ali ako baš mora da se desi, uvek je plaćen.

Ono čime se naročito ponosimo je briga o našim zaposlenima, gde bismo naglasili work-life-balans i psihološku sigurnost na radnom mestu, a od benefita bismo, osim remote rada i fleksibilnog radnog vremena, još pomenuli Veselu sredu (kada nam pauza traje sat i po), Tech Talk petkom i Game Night utorkom, kao i razne team building i team bonding aktivnosti. Privatno zdravstveno osiguranje i prilike za dodatnu edukaciju se podrazumevaju.

A evo još nekih razloga zašto je Ingsoftware odlično mesto za početak i razvoj karijere:

  • Učimo dok stvaramo: Klijenti sa kojima radimo (npr. SPAR, Porsche, Palfinger) dolaze iz različitih industrija tako da na našim projektima zaista može mnogo da se nauči, kako tokom razvoja digitalnih proizvoda, tako i od iskusnijih kolega koji su uvek spremni da pomognu i podele znanje.
  • Iskreni u komunikaciji: Znamo da zvuči kao buzzword, ali feedback kultura nam je veoma važna kada je u pitanju prepoznavanje kako potencijala, tako prostora za napredovanje. Greške smatramo sastavnim delom svakog posla, na njima učimo i otvoreno o njima komuniciramo.
  • Fokusirani na produktivnost: Agilna smo organizacija, od projektnih timova, preko support funkcija (HR, Marketing) pa sve do menadžmenta, ali imamo definisane procese u meri koja je baš potaman za kompaniju naše veličine, koja nije ni prevelika ni premala, ni korporacija ni startup.
  • Zdrava radna sredina: Iako smo veoma opušteni jedni s drugima i jako volimo da budemo neozbiljni (ali ne i u poslu!), cenimo jedni druge, poštujemo različitosti i uvek smo spremni da jedni druge podržimo, saslušamo, pomognemo i proćaskamo uz kafu ili pivo (virtualno ili uživo, u ofisu ili u kafani).

Ako ti zvuči interesantno, proveri otvorene pozicije!



4.5 100%

Menadžment kompanije




Balans karijere i privatnog života


Timska atmosfera


Zadovoljstvo projektima


Mogućnost napredovanja


Iskustvo o radu

5 Preporučuje

Junior .NET Developer

Trenutno zaposlen/a na neodređeno 1-2 godine


Dobro okruzenje, jako dobra energija medju kolegama. Zanimljivi projekti i jako velike mogucnosti za napredak


Korisno? 0

SEO Specialist

1 plata
Prosečna neto plata
Prosek i medijana

Software Developer

12 plata
Prosečna neto plata

Software Engineer

1 plata
Prosečna neto plata
Prosek i medijana

Fleksibilno radno vreme

Rad na daljinu

Edukacija, profesionalni razvoj

Obuke, konferencije

Timska druženja

Dobrovoljno zdravstveno osiguranje

Zabavni sadržaj

Dodatni slobodni dani

Nagrade, bonusi, pokloni

Java .NET HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript Angular React Vue Flutter React Native Xamarin Swift Kotlin MS SQL MySQL PostgreSQL MongoDB Kafka Redis TimescaleDB ElasticSearch Docker AWS Azure Google Cloud Firebase Netlify Unity Game Engine

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