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Wising Up in WordPress: GoDaddy Employees Teach IT Bootcamp in Serbia


In coordination with the Divac Foundation and IT Bootcamp school, GoDaddy employees help lead WordPress courses in Serbia. Candidates come from various backgrounds, including law, economy, and social sciences, who are interested in learning more about IT and WordPress. The main goal of the course is to educate students to maintain and troubleshoot WordPress issues and create functional WordPress websites, ultimately to obtain a position at a tech company, such as GoDaddy. Our organization finds it crucial to build up the community, by providing support through opportunities, such as this course. We have hired on six students that now work as Care Support Guides II and two students that work in WordPress Premium Support as Technical Website Builders.

Hear more from GoDaddy Employees/Course Leaders and Students, turned GoDaddy Employees.

You are a course leader for the IT Bootcamp. What has this experience been like for you?

Miomir Vuletaš — The WordPress course is a unique experience for all of us. Finding the right way to explore WordPress, servers, DNS, email, and much more with students can be a real challenge but so rewarding. There is nothing in this world that compares to the joy of students after finding a career-changing job.

Aleksandar Miljkovic — It’s an indescribable feeling when you know you’re helping someone move one step closer to their goal, especially when you know the amount of courage that is necessary to change your entire profession! As much as we tried to motivate the attendees, I feel like I was the one that walked away with more motivation than ever before. Seeing the sheer dedication and grit these amazing people have is inspirational.

What insights are you hopeful for students walk away with, after taking the course?

Pavle Marjanovic — During the course, our ultimate goal is to teach students how to overcome their fears and gain confidence in whatever they do. If they can incorporate that confidence and knowledge, I believe that there is nothing that can stop them from achieving their goals!

Miomir Vuletaš — We hope that our course provides enough information to all students, and tickles their imagination so that with will and persistence, they can continue to learn and progress.

Aleksandar Miljkovic — I hope their curiosity is sparked, and that the fear of learning something new is erased. The old adage “you can do anything you put your mind to” might sound corny but I think that they have proved it to be true once more.

What is your favorite aspect about working at GoDaddy?

Pavle Marjanovic — Being part of GoDaddy has been a great experience for me from the very start. I am very thankful that I have had the chance to be exposed to so many different challenges, opportunities and exciting projects, which has helped me develop new skills and improve the old ones.

Aleksandar Miljkovic — That we strive to empower people to become the best version of themselves, and give people the tools and opportunities to do so!

How has the course helped you, now that you have been hired on?

Nemanja Todorovic — The course helped me in so many ways… First of all, the cooperation with colleagues was flawless. I became aware of a very positive social climate within the company, where I feel safe, free, and confident in addressing and removing any obstacles or doubts, regarding my work. Then, I got to know the IT culture, which seemed foreign to me, considering I was a freelancer for five years. The course allowed me to perceive it in a clearer light. The expertise of the teachers, who are more than adequately trained for the positions they’re in, provided us with invaluable knowledge. A special thanks to Pavle, Aleksandar and Miomir!

Daniela Markov — The course gave me the basic knowledge and tools to get by in a new job, considering I come from a completely different profession. Since I previously did not have the qualifications for an IT job at GoDaddy, I can thank the course leaders who tried their best to impart all their knowledge to us, so that we could start a new path in our careers.

Ivana Martinović — We learned some basics about DNS during the course, and at GoDaddy I got the chance to further broaden my knowledge and better understand it. Because the bootcamp was all about WordPress, I feel like home when I get inside our dashboards. The troubleshooting exercise we did recently was a breeze, all thanks to the exercises we completed during Bootcamp. All in all, I feel like completing the IT Bootcamp gave me a superpower!

What would your advise be, to future students taking the course?

Marko Milivojevic — My advice for future students would be to accept the knowledge that is offered to them, because after mastering the material with a little effort, enormous opportunities for work and further upgrading of knowledge are given. In the beginning, it might be a little confusing. However, if you persevere, it will pay off.

Nemanja Todorovic — My advice to future students would be that any goal is attainable if they invest their time, desire, will, and effort in what they love.

Ivana Martinović — Believe in yourself and ask questions to clarify the things you are stuggling to understand. That’s it. If I could step out of my comfort zone and learn something new that was in no way connected to anything I’ve ever done in my life (and I’m in my forties), so can you!

What’s the most challenging yet rewarding thing that you’ve worked on at GoDaddy, thus far?

Marko Milivojevic — I think it’s the knowledge gained from WordPress and the products that GoDaddy offers. With the combination of the two, you get the right solution for customers. GoDaddy offers a large array of products. So, it’s been rewarding to get a better understanding of them all.

Milica Kucerovic — The most rewarding part of working here are the people you get to work with. I’d like to thank the three truly wonderful human beings who educated me on WordPress during the bootcamp — Miomir, Aleksandar, and Pavle. Thank you to my team, including Shaun and Greg. Without you, wowing our customers would look a little bit different. I appreciate the support and feel so lucky to be a part of this community!

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