Blog je mesto gde možeš da čitaš o navikama IT-evaca, najavama IT dešavanja, aktuelnostima na tržištu, savetima i cakama kako da uspeš na ovom dinamičnom polju.
Mi pratimo trendove, na tebi je da se zavališ u fotelju i čitaš :)
People of Symphony starring Boris Popov: Coming to Grips with Software, Systems, and Solutions Architecture
Meet Boris - a Solutions Architect from our Novi Sad development center. He joined Symphony with an impressive 14-year-long career behind him, bringing an array of experiences and knowledge to the table.
How to become a successful DevOps engineer
What is DevOps? How big an impact does it have? What are the main skills one should have working as a DevOps on a project?
Prekvalifikacija: kakav su put prešli uspešni? [Back-End edition]
Back-end developeri čini mi se prođu najveću golgotu od početka kursa do pronalaska posla jer toliko framework-ova, baza, pravila za REST i sve drugo treba naučiti, još kad ti svi koji te savetuju stalno bacaju nove podatke, teško je naći put i fokus.
TV program bilo gde – izazovi i rešenja u razvoju play along aplikacija
Televizija je medij uz koji su tokom prošlog i ovog veka odrastale generacije ljudi. Tokom druge polovine dvadesetog veka bilo je praktično nezamislivo da domaćinstvo nema bar jedan televizor.
From self-taught to professional software engineer at Zühlke in Serbia
From chess to coding
7 tips for effective leadership in software development
How can one switch to a different field of work in software development? What are the necessary leadership qualities your team needs? What are the key factors in running a company successfully and bringing in new work?
Reconstruction of Our New Building: The Winning Solution
It’s official! We have a winning solution for the visual appearance of our new building and we are excited to share it with you.
In this blog post, I’m going to explain the role of a front-end engineer in the games industry through my experience at Nordeus. I will focus especially on the unique aspects of this position within gaming compared to other industries.
While we are still trying to see all the consequences of the global pandemic and the extent of the impact that this crisis will have on the overall development of the world economy, it is very clear today that gaming is one of the most stable global indus
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