Blog je mesto gde možeš da čitaš o navikama IT-evaca, najavama IT dešavanja, aktuelnostima na tržištu, savetima i cakama kako da uspeš na ovom dinamičnom polju.
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U prvih 6 meseci kriza nije preterano uticala na IT tržište rada
Tržište informacionih tehnologija u Srbiji se našlo pred velikim izazovom nakon sukoba Rusije i Ukrajine. Veliki broj IT stručnjaka iz ovih država pristigao u našu zemlju da bi ovde nastavio da rade. Pretpostavljalo se da će zbog krize biti znatno usporen
AskGamblers Awards Night 2022
For one of Catena Media’s flagship brands, AskGamblers, the 16th of June was a long-awaited date. After months of preparations, the 5th AskGamblers Awards was held in Belgrade, Serbia. La crême de la crême of the online gambling industry were honoured i
Hello from the Agilcon Side
From the start, Agilcon has sought to change companies for the better through technology that builds stronger relationships.
Using the Full Potential of Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) SEO Functionality
In today’s world, it is increasingly important to do search engine optimization on your website because nearly half of customers start their shopping using a search engine. If we want our business to be successful online it is vital to use all available r
The Basics of Salesforce Commerce Cloud SEO
Before we start going into basics and best practices of SEO on your Salesforce site, you should also understand URL Request Analyzer. This tool can show you what URL requests are being processed on your storefront so you can see what configuration is bein
My Journey from Starting at Bee IT to Getting Certified as a Salesforce Commerce Developer
In September 2019, after graduating from the Faculty of technical sciences in Novi Sad I was at the crossroads in my life. I wanted to be independent and get a job as a developer but it was difficult since I only had freelance experience in that field. Du
Explaining WolkAbout IoT Platform to Different Company Roles (and a Kid)
To help everyone get a clear view of our technology, we’ve decided to dispel the veil of mystery around it and bring the concept of an IoT platform closer to everyone, from a CEO to a seven-year-old kid. Let’s dive right in!
Fantastic Features and How to Hide Them
Imagine a scenario. You are working on a new complex feature. Your team releases to production every two weeks, but to complete the feature, you need more than that.
Serverless for Web Developers
Why should you read this? If you are a web developer who wants to achieve faster time to market for new products and features, cut (almost eliminate) time to provision and manage infrastructure, minimize downtime and security risks, along with costs - th
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