Beograd - hibridni način rada
The AI Development Engineer is responsible for designing, implementing, and optimizing artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and systems, particularly in the fields of natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and computer vision. This role requires familiarity with the Python programming language and familiarity with Haystack, a Python library for building end-to-end question answering systems. All work is done on high-end high power machines with at least 24 cores, 32 gigs of RAM and high-end Nvidia GPUs.
- Collaborate with the team to design, develop, and implement AI solutions using Python.
- Assist in building and optimizing NLP pipelines for text data processing.
- Conduct experiments and evaluations to improve model performance and accuracy.
- Work on tasks related to data collection, annotation, and preprocessing.
- Support ongoing research initiatives and contribute to technical documentation.
- Experience in the open source Ubuntu desktop operating system and profficiency in using terminal commands
- Familiarity with Python programming language with an understanding of data structures, algorithms, and object-oriented programming principles
- Familiarity with version control systems such as Git and collaborative development workflows
- Familiarity with issue and progress tracking systems such as JIRA
- Excellent communication skills, with the ability to work effectively in a multidisciplinary team environment and convey technical concepts efficiently
- Continuous learning mindset with the ability to stay updated with the latest advancements and trends in AI development and related technologies
- Knowledgeable in VSCode
- Good understanding of software development principles and best practices, including agile methodologies, unit testing, and code review processes
- General knowledge of applications such as:
- File manager apps:
- Double Commander
- File merge tools:
- Meld
- File manager apps:
Desirable expertise/familiarity
These will be viewed as a plus to any candidate
- Familiarity with mikroSDK 2.0
- Familiarity with Haystack, its functionalities and best practices for building question answering systems
- Experience with cloud computing platforms such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform for deploying and managing AI applications
- Experience in implementing and optimizing AI algorithms and models using AI and data science platforms such as:
- PyTorch
- Experience in optimizing applications using high-performance GPU-accelerated toolkits such as CUDA Toolkit
- Experience in AI development, including NLP, ML, and computer vision is a plus
- Ability to preprocess and analyze large datasets efficiently for training AI models, using libraries such as pandas, NumPy, and scikit-learn
- Understanding of neural network architectures and proficiency in designing, training, and fine-tuning deep learning models
- Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to troubleshoot and debug complex AI systems
- Experience in deploying AI models into production environments, including considerations for scalability, performance, and reliability
- Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, or a related field. A Ph.D. in a relevant discipline is a plus
- Hands-on experience with state-of-the-art AI technologies
- Continuous mentorship and guidance from experienced engineers
- Flexible remote work environment
- Opportunity to contribute to real-world projects
Upoznaj kompaniju
Mikroelektronika je domaća kompanija osnovana 11.12.2001. godine. Sedište kompanije je u Beogradu a od 2019. imamo kancelarije i u Kruševcu.
Bavimo se razvojem, proizvodnjom, prodajom hardverskih i softverskih alata za rad sa mikrokontrolerima.
Ukratko : PRODAJEMO VREME, PRAVIMO INŽINJERE (sa našim alatima inžinjeri brže, bolje i lakše urade svoj posao).
Svakog dana u 10h na našem sajtu osvane nov hardverski proizvod kao rezultat timskog rada naših kolega inženjera, proizvodnje i marketinga.
Ono što nas izdvaja od drugih inženjerskih kompanija je proizvodnja koja se nalazi u okviru našeg razvojnog centra u Beogradu gde se svakog dana proizvede preko 100 različitih vrsta proizvoda kako za nas tako i za naše klijente.
Pored razvoja svojih proizvoda i usluga pružamo usluge razvoja i proizvodnje za brojne svetski poznate klijente . Tokom 20 godina uspešnog poslovanja sarađivali smo sa: Toyotom, Toshibom, Nasom, Grundfosom, Infineonom , Microchipom, ....
Nas tim čine kombinacija juniorskog entuzijazma, mediorske stabilnosti i seniorske strucnosti . Trudimo se da našem timu pružimo odlične uslove za rad ali i prijatnu atmosferu kroz osluškivanje njihovih potrebe i usvajanje i realizovanje njihove ideje. Fleskibino radno vreme, fleksible pauze, rad od kuće samo su neki od benefita koje nudimo.
Da biste saznali više o trenutno otvorenim pozicijama posetite našu stranicu za posao i aplicirajte . Za talentovanog inžinjera uvek ima mesta.
Pridruzite nam se!
Iskustvo o radu u ovoj kompaniji je arhivirano jer je starije od 2 godine.
Hardware Engineer
Software Developer
Software Engineer
IT Help Desk / Support
Software Engineer
Web Designer
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