Oglasi za posao Analyst, MES

Beograd | Hibrid

Beograd: Bulevar Vojvode Bojovica 6-8



This position is responsible for ensuring that MES related services and procedures are implemented, maintained and properly executed. This includes a good understanding of production processes, IT infrastructure as well as a close collaboration with other departments and Magna internal customers.

Major Responsibilities

  • Support, coordinate, and administer the implementation of MES based processes, solutions and functions.
  • Gather business requirements, propose technical concepts for project needs and validate technical feasibility.
  • Installation and configuration of MES Solutions (incl. DB, Backup, Archiving). 
  • Coordination and implementation of interfaces with partners and suppliers
  • Bring to service / functional test / integration test / GoLive preparation of MES services, processes, and functions. 
  • Support of offer and billing process. 
  • 1st & 2nd Level support including 24x7 on-call support (post go-live lifecycle maintenance). 
  • Coordination of 3rd Level support (e.g. software vendors, OEM helpdesks and other related parties).
  • Develop and maintain MES training materials and train users.
  • Install, coordinate, and troubleshoot MES-related products / review and implement vendor-supplied patches.
  • System monitoring (business processes, interfaces and solutions).
  • Maintain and update the Know-how database. 
  • Support and enhance the software development process of MagJIS. 
  • Implement and support dashboard, reporting and analyses solutions.
  • Act as a technical consultant to Magna plants on MES topics. 


  • Experience with MES standards and MES software preferred
  • Experience with databases preferred.
  • Strong communication and analytical skills, problem solving & interpersonal skills.
  • Ability and willingness to quickly learn on the job.
  • Works well alone and while managing groups.
  • Willingness to travel globally is critical for this position.
  • Ability to work flexible hours when required.
  • Strong customer service orientation.
  • Profound English communication skills.
  • Able to communicate in German is an advantage.

Work Environment

For dedicated and motivated employees we offer an interesting and diversified job within a dynamic team together with the individual and functional development in a professional environment of a global acting business. Fair treatment and a sense of responsibility towards employees are the principle of the Magna culture. We strive to offer an inspiring and motivating work environment.


Regular travel 10-25% of the time.

Why should you join us

At Magna we have great work culture, lots of opportunities for learning and development, work in a hybrid work environment, yearly performance based bonus and a lot more.

Upoznaj kompaniju

O Kompaniji Iskustva Plate

We’re the only mobility technology company and supplier with complete expertise across the entire vehicle. We are committed to quality and continuous improvement because our products impact millions of people every day. But we’re more than what we make. We are a group of entrepreneurial-minded people whose collective expertise gives us a competitive advantage. World Class Manufacturing is a journey and it’s our talented people who lead us on this journey.

Some 10 years ago Magna's internal IT Service Center was born - Magna Global IT. Now we are an organization of 600 IT professionals, with growing office in Belgrade as well as around the Globe. Magna Global IT is providing wide range of IT support services for Magna Divisions around the Globe. Our Core IT is divided into 4 towers from Business Relationship Management and Strategy, Architecture and PMO to IT Solutions (SAP, ERP, MES, Data Solutions) and IT Infrastructure and Engineering. We are using cutting edge technology and are open to all suggestions on how to improve our operations and products. Join us and become part of our "Forward for all" culture.

2 50%

Menadžment kompanije




Balans karijere i privatnog života


Timska atmosfera


Zadovoljstvo projektima


Mogućnost napredovanja


Iskustvo o radu


System Engineer

Trenutno zaposlen/a na neodređeno Manje od jedne godine


Deo tima ljudi je sjajan i uvek spreman da podeli sa pojedincem znanje i iskustvo, uglavnom su ti isti ljudi voljni za radom i spremni da pomognu svakom, vecina njih su odlicni i iskusni u svojoj sferi posla koju rade (nazalost, uglavnom ti ljudi budu preplavljeni poslom pa se desi da brzo odu iz kompanije, ostatak istih, koji ostane, uglavnom je nezadovoljan organizacijom posla). Ostatak deo tima je raznolik, ima odredjenih koji dosta nisu voljni za radom, a neki su dosli preko par osoba iz menadzmenta pa se slepaju tako. Na pocektu je osecaj bio kao da je kolektiv jedna manja porodica, tako su se ljudi medjusobno ophodili (to se kasnije izgubilo zbog fluktoacije zaposlenih i ceste izmena od strane ljudi zaduzenih za Beogradsku kancelariju sa pokusajem da naprave nesto "bolje"). Postoje odredjeni benefiti koji mogu da budu od znacaja za zaposlenog, sto u sustini i jeste. Uglavnom je to neki minimum i nesto sto danas svi nude u IT kompanijama (jedini je problem sto menadzment dize to u nebesa, pa misle da se time dosta izdvajaju misleci da je zaposlenima to najbitnija stvar).


Jasan plan usavrsavanja ne postoji i ne mozete ga ocekivati. Poslovi se uglavnom rasporedjuju po principu ko je voljan da radi, njemu ide. Iz tog razloga imate ljude koji su pretrpani poslom i rade ga pod velikim pritiskom (stresom), a imate i one koje ne znaju kako da utrose 2h od 8h rada dnevno. Unapredjenje se uglavnom dobije kad neko ode iz firme (tima). Portofilo firme zastareo i kada neko pokusa da doda nesto novo, uglavnom se ne gleda sira slika resursa. Ne biraju se adekvatni ljudi i tim koji bi mogao tako nesto da pokrije. Inzenjeri koji su najvecim delom zaduzeni da firma dobije neki prihod uglavnom nikada nisu saslusani. A i kada budu, ta informacija se izgubi negde na putu do vrha pa se time stvara slika da menadzment radi super stvar. HR je u firmi da saslusa zaposlene kada rade "izlazni intervju" prilikom odlaska iz firme. Cak je jednom HR pokusao da napravi neki preokret koji nikada nije uspeo. Menadzment i mid menadzment (kog cini veci procenat firme) se sastoji od ljudi iz inostanstva koji su lojalni firmi, ali predstavu nemaju sta se desava u sklopu cele firme, uglavnom ih zanima samo profit, a ne i zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, narocito ljudi u begradskom ofisu. Pojedinci u firmi su tu samo da terete budzet tzv. grupa i "divizija" i tako nedopustaju da pravi inzenjeri, koji donose profit Global IT, dobiju unapredjenje u bilo kom pogledu.

Korisno? 20

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