Oglasi za posao SW Developer



Linux C Embedded intermediate

The company TTTech Auto work on megatrends that are changing the world as we know it. The people who work for us are experts in their fields and we depend on all of them to drive innovation and make ourselves a little bit better. 

We're looking for developers that want to contribute to the development of safety critical real time systems which gives you the chance to participate in projects of tomorrow´s advancement of autonomous driving.


SW Developer

Are you passionate about highly advanced embedded software? If yes, then this role might be just for you. You will contribute to projects within the areas of automated driving and vehicle dynamics. Together with a team of experts, you will support in-car software and system integration, in-house and with our customers.

We're looking for developers that want to contribute to the development of safety critical real time systems which give you the chance to participate in projects of tomorrow´s advancement of autonomous driving.

Your Tasks
  • Develop the software platform for next generation ADAS and autonomous driving applications,
  • Focus on safety critical real time systems based on high-end SoCs, microcontrollers, communication interfaces and state-of-the-art operating systems,
  • Specification, design, implementation, unit testing and integration of highly advanced embedded software,
  • Alignment with internal product stakeholders, development partners and customers,
  • Embrace agile working style by attending to meetings (daily standup, planning, review, retrospective, backlog refinement).
  • Be part of an agile software development team following the Agile methodology.
Your Profile
  • University degree in a technical field of study - preferably with reference to Electronics Engineering or Computer Science,
  • 3+ years of experience,
  • Very good knowledge of programming in C,
  • Strong interest in working with embedded computer systems in safety-relevant products (NXP S32G family is great plus)
  • Knowledge about development for embedded operating systems (Linux, QNX) or AUTOSAR based architectures is a plus,
  • Experience with development processes and standards (e.g. ASPICE, ISO26262) and configuration/version control (GIT) are advantageous,
  • Very good command of English,
  • Experience with different transport layers like Automotive Ethernet, CAN FD is a plus,
  • Knowledge about network topology on different OSI layers is great plus.
Our offer
  • The result of your work will be integrated into products of world leading companies
  • Professional and academic development in cutting edge technologies, as well as support for participation in national and international scientific conferences
  • Work in a new and modern setting with the latest platforms and tools
  • Pleasant and relaxed ambiance, team spirit, team-building activities (recreation, entertainment, cultural events, etc.)
  • Flexible work schedule and casual dress code
  • Possibility to travel and work abroad in joint projects with global leading companies
For more information visit:

Upoznaj kompaniju

O Kompaniji Iskustva Poslovi Plate Beneficije Tech Stack

The cars of the past were guided by human hands – the cars of the future will be driven by human ideas.

Autonomna vožnja nije tako nova ideja, kako ljudi često misle. Od svojih početaka, pre više od 95 godina, mnogi vizionari su se njome bavili, smenjivale su se mnogo generacije ideja i tehnologija, koje su krčile put do mesta gde smo danas. U kom god delu sveta da su vizionari, tehnologija koju zajedno grade će uskoro biti u primeni. U težnji ka potpunoj automatizaciji, mi iz TTTech Auto smo se upustili u rešavanje najtežeg izazova autonomne vožnje - bezbednosti. Naša pouzdana bezbednosna platforma je već ugrađena u više od milion vozila. Ako radite sa nama, onda i vi postajete deo ove priče. U kompaniji TTTech Auto, možete staviti na test svoje ideje i snalažljivost rešavanjem ovog multi-domenskog izazova automobilske industrije. U našim pionirskim timovima ohrabrujemo jedni druge da se svaki dan ističemo u našim jedinstvenim i vrhunskim projektima, da stvaramo visokotehnološke proizvode koji zaista pokreću promene. Ali takođe podržavamo jedni druge pri svakoj promeni brzine. Uverićete se da su projekti #mindgrowing.

TTTech Auto CEE je regionalni ekspert u oblasti inženjerstva i razvoja bezbedonosno kiritičnog softvera u automobilskoj industriji. Kao deo TTTech Auto kompanije učestvujemo u globalnim operacijama kroz razvoj proizvoda i podršku klijentima širom sveta.

Naši timovi razvijaju softver za ADAS (Advance driver-assistance systems) i AD (Autonomous driving). Sistemi koje razvijamo su visokog nivoa autonomije (nivoi 3, 4, 5) i softver namenjen za ove svrhe mora biti izuzetno pouzdan, tj. bez grešaka. Prilikom kritičnih operacija upravljanja, ubrzanja, kočenja i sl., kvarovi nisu dozvoljeni jer mogu direktno ugroziti bezbednost putnika.

S obzirom da je ovo softver u realnom vremenu koji zahteva pravovremenu razmenu informacija prema unapred definisanim prioritetima, bavimo se i razvojem softverskih komponenti koje obezbeđuju brzu i pouzdanu komunikaciju. Važan aspekt našeg razvoja su specifični mehanizmi podrške u slučaju kvara delova hardver sistema, koji obezbeđuju da sistem ostane u funkciji (nastavi vožnju ili bezbedno zaustavi vozilo).

3.7 83%

Menadžment kompanije




Balans karijere i privatnog života


Timska atmosfera


Zadovoljstvo projektima


Mogućnost napredovanja


Iskustvo o radu

Potvrđen Linkedin identitet
3 Preporučuje

Embedded Software Engineer

Prethodno zaposlen/a na neodređeno Manje od jedne godine


Pozitivna radna atmosfera kao i radni ambijent. Zanimljivi projekti. Mogucnost promene projekta i tima. Detaljan on-boarding proces.


Manjak senior-a koji zaista znaju sta znaci "preuzeti" odgovornost.

Korisno? 1

IT Technician

1 plata
Prosečna neto plata
Prosek i medijana

Software Developer

3 plate
Prosečna neto plata
Prosek i medijana

Software Engineer

3 plate
Prosečna neto plata

Team lead

1 plata
Prosečna neto plata
Prosek i medijana

Timska druženja

Edukacija, profesionalni razvoj

Fleksibilno radno vreme

Porodica i roditeljstvo


Rad od kuće

Program mentorstva

Kompanijski popusti

C/C++ Embedded C Embedded Linux RTOS ADAS Autosar Classic Autosar Adaptive ISO 26262 ASPICE POSIX QNX CAN CANoe GLIWA CAPL CANalyzer SPI ETHERNET BSW configuration PTC Integrity VectorCast SAFe SCRUM Git Svn Python Jira Bitbucket Gptp U-boot Docker Jenkins CI/CV/Cx UML SysML FOTA Yocto Some/IP Hypervisor

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